Something to Talk About – Sarah Webb

Yet another book review……people who dont read…can skip it for sure……others can also skip it!

A nice chick flick with a pink and white cover and all….its about Lucy and Max ……Friends or Lovers……thats the theme of this book!

Lucy and Max are childhood friends….Lucy keeps trying to set Max up with girls…and Max kind of likes her…but she keeps trying to set him up with other people and says that they are just friends….everyone around looks at them and know that they are meant to be….eveyone but they themselves…know that they are meant to be… Max likes and goes around with one of the girls Lucy want to set him up with some….Lucy kind of likes someone…..some stories around that…and in the end they realize that they are meant for each other….and they are soul mates (… soul mates exisit! 🙂 !!?? where is mine! ) they kiss and live happily ever after….

 Typical Chick flick….no value addition in reading it… know the end even before you start…..but yet once I picked it up…I knew I would finish it and I did…that too very quickly!

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